Even if an accident was unintentional, oftentimes a driver will flee the scene fearing legal repercussions or simply to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. This leaves the victims of a hit and run accident in the particularly stressful position of trying to locate the person at fault and trying to obtain insurance coverage for the mounting medical bills they are facing.
As a victim of a hit and run accident, you are entitled to fight for damages to compensate for injuries, loss of income, and pain and suffering, but these cases are often complex and insurance companies may be reluctant to pay. Winton & Hiestand Law Group will pursue your case and work with your insurance company to obtain the financial compensation you deserve.
Injured parties may be able to receive compensation for past, present, and future medical bills, lost wages from time off work, diminished capacity to earn, and past and future pain and suffering.
Punitive Damages
In some instances, Kentucky law ALSO allows juries to award punitive damages.
Punitive damages are meant to punish behavior that is intentional and/or grossly negligent to dissuade others from the same behavior.