If you have unpaid medical bills or have fallen behind on payments for your credit cards, auto, or home loan and are being pursued by a harassing debt collector or law firm, you may be entitled to relief. Attorney Zachary L. Taylor at Winton & Hiestand Law Group can help you explore your options for debt settlement in Louisville, KY and understand your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
The FDCPA forbids debt collectors, including attorneys, from engaging in abusive, unconscionable, and unfair debt collection practices, such as calling your home or work frequently, at inconvenient times, or attempting to collect unlawful charges.
Contact Us
Attorney Zachary L. Taylor at Winton & Hiestand Law Group can help you stop debt collectors from violating your federal rights. We focus on helping our clients protect themselves from abusive or deceptive debt collectors and may be able to assist you. Contact us today for a free consultation.