The Winton & Hiestand Law Group, PLLC helps the people of this community plan for their future. Having proper estate documents in order can alleviate a tremendous burden on your family. It can protect the assets you have earned for their benefit.
Assigning a power of attorney prior to becoming infirm avoids the need for Court intervention, making a living will allows your family to honor your life plan, and drafting a will carries out your last wishes after you pass. Other documents, such as a trust, may protect your assets during your life and afterward for your children as well. We can help you prepare for your future and the future of those that you love.
Our services include:
- Wills
- Trusts
- Estate Planning
- Family Estate Planning
- Power of Attorney
- Appointment of Health Care Representative
If you’re contemplating protecting your assets and your family’s future, rest assured that Winton & Hiestand Law Group, PLLC is here for all of your wills, trusts, and estate planning needs. Our comprehensive services are designed to meet your unique requirements.